Saturday, August 21, 2021

A good Samaritan

 In Luke 10 we found the parable about the good Samaritan. In this parable there are a lot interesting thing to introduce us in a world full of symbolism. But there are a couple thing that I would like to share in this blog.

The first thing is about the man. In Luke 10:30 said that the "man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho". Jerusalem in those days represented the Temple, in other words a holy place and Jericho represented the fall, because the city of Jericho is under the below sea level. Now this man leave the holy place or the presence of God and went to the world. In his journey, a dangerous path, but he took the decision and went forth. Even though the path from one city to the other was dangerous for travelers, the question is why he took it? why he took the risk? Maybe there was something important in Jericho to take the risk. Now after the man suffer the attack from the thieves, and almost die, is interesting how this man is representing all of us. One day we left the God presence and came to this world, and during our path for this mortal life we will suffer different kind of injury or attack, some of this attack will not been too dangerous and other will left us like this man, almost die in the middle of our journey. 

The second thing is about this other the Samaritan, in the verse 33 said "but a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was; and when he saw him, he had compassion on him". In this point the Samaritan represent our Savior, and He was also in this road, in a dangerous road to him too. When He saw the man, like the scripture said " he had compassion on him", if all of us are represented for the man, this mean that the Savior had compassion for all of us, independent of our injury. Whom else could take care us in this way? Who will pay for us? What the Samaritan did for this man is the same that He is doing today for us. He always is for us when we need to heal our injuries.

The third thing is how can I do the same? or in other words to reply the words of the Lord to the certain lawyer, in the verse 37 "Go, and do thou likewise". Maybe we'll feel not able to help anybody because we have a lot of need to be satisfied, but certainly when we do even a little bit like minister other, we'll be healing one injury, and then another one will be heal. I guess the important thing is not become like the priest or the levite.

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