Saturday, February 25, 2023

Google Ads

Internet sales have increased. Nowadays, every time someone wants to buy a product, they don't think twice before looking for it in a search engine. And when a person performs a search, it is when one must appear at the right moment so that they know about our product. Google Ads is an important tool to carry out marketing in a simple way and thus be able to attract more users using appropriate keywords. 

There are some good things this tool will allow us to increase our online sells. For example some of the features like segmentation will help us to bring our ad would reach people who would be willing to buy our product. Another one is impression vs click, you don't pay because someone sees the ad, only if they are interested and enter to see what it is about, or click vs conversion, where clicks count only the number of people who entered the site, while conversions can help you understand how many made a purchase or provided their contact information.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

The importance of Keywords

     One important thing when you want to open an online business is that your site is visible. Talking about it, keywords take a relevant importance. The principle reason is because those keywords will help you to become visible and customers can find your products. This keywords are the master technique of SEO, and through them get the most optimization in the searchers, like Google, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo. Another reason is because the right use of keywords bring greatest benefit to the Marketing strategies, like organic traffic generation, increase user insight, emergence if content ideas, and increment of digital authority. In this way, the Google Keyword Planner provides a good help, because the keyword it is not a process that should be based on intuition or personal perceptions. 

    Now, after a short review of the importance of the keywords, we must be clear that this tool was created to help us and make our business increase. Nobody wants us to fail, but if we don't want to use it in the right way, probably by the time we're not being able to keep the business alive. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Building a Site

 Is wonderful how all the things that you can do when you're learning and then apply this knowledge. This week I spend almost 14 hours or a little more creating my own site. Is the first time that I did something like that, and I am more than surprise. Is a beautiful site, not the best one in the world, but I did by myself and now is my little project. From this webpage I will run my online business, so I am most than happy. After choosing the product, and now with my webpage working, is time to start doing business and make some money. Also, this week I learned the necessary thing to run legally my business, the process is not difficult and doesn't require too much paper or to much capital. The most need thing that I need, I already have, my laptop, internet connection, and the desire to make this business become successful.

Journey Reflection

The last 14 weeks have been full of concepts and methodologies that will only help me to reach my highest potential as a future entrepreneur...