When I was searching what could be the best site builder and the hosting, I consider a couple aspect that I found interesting to me. It's worth mentioning that this parameter would reflect what is important to me. The first one is the price. I don't have enough money, and I'm trying to save on everything. I know that I will have to invest if I want a good web page and also if I want to be visible, so, if I can save a couple dollars and the I will receive the same, then I will go with them. The second important thing is if I can receive some credit to use in Google Ads or other platform. I believe that this thing is helpful, because starting a new online business any free thing will count. The third thing is how friendly is the host and the site builder. I'm not an expert working on the web, or creating web pages, so I need something that I could do by myself and don't take long hours trying to figure out how to make it. The fourth thing is the support. As a rookie in this thing, I will need support, and as I'm located outside the United States, I would need 24/7 support. The fifth thing is reputation. I don't want to begin building my webpage in a Host that will shut down suddenly because it was not legitimate or profitable.
After all this analysis, I will choose Hostgator. Because this hosting meets all the thing that I was looking. This hosting use Wordpress to build the site, and all the tutorial show this program very easy to use. Using this hosting and Wordpress, in less than two hours I would have my website ready to start working.