Saturday, July 31, 2021

Am I ready to hear?

 During the last week I was pondering about a couple thing that make think in the importance to recognizer "the voice" of the Holy Ghost. 

The scriptures give us an idea of how to recognizer when the Holy Ghost is talking to us, with some feeling like, love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodnesses, faith, etc and many we could felt one of those feeling when we did something to help us to be close to God, like in our baptism or during the confirmation, when we receive a priesthood blessing, after we repent and participated of the sacrament or in our temple work. 

But when Jesus called his apostle, He was walking close to them and He said "follow me" and they drop everything and desire to follow the Savior. Why? What did they feel? 

When I think in their response to the call, I wonder if now I am ready to hear the call and drop all the thing to fallow Him

Journey Reflection

The last 14 weeks have been full of concepts and methodologies that will only help me to reach my highest potential as a future entrepreneur...